Tuesday 24 September 2013

My name is...

Let me introduce myself to you with a sincere hope that we will enjoy this journey together, taking it one step at a time. I will be sharing my observation of life and asking questions about life as I see it as a daughter, a mother, a sister, an aunt and a friend.

So what do daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts and friends talk about? Any and everything affecting their lives. They try to build each other, give advice where possible, provide a shoulder when needed and even share a little gossip. All of this done with love, gentleness and kindness.

I look forward to sharing some of these with you. I look forward to sharing some beautiful moments with you, laughing with you and reaching for those tissues together when we share some sad moments which as we know, are part of life. I also hope to share my outdoor moments with you. Yes I love hiking and not even my ageing limbs are going to stop my bush escapades. I also laugh a lot, something I only started enjoying as an adult since some mean people made me believe that I looked ugly when I laughed. I probably have the smallest eyes and yes they disappear with each laughter.

Oh, my name is Tidimalo and I’m a mother to two boys and a daughter. I am an English/Setswana translator and also enjoy writing. I am in the process of having a novel published and I hope to share excerpts thereof soon.


  1. Congratulations on your blog. Looking forward to all the interesting post :)

    1. Thank you very much Sega. You are still my inspiration Mohurutshe wa gaetsho.
